Salam dan jumpa lagi para sahabat koder. Di tulisan ini kami akan membagikan daftar kode ICD 10 diagnosis penyakit telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan yang detail dan lengkap. Mudah-mudahan tulisan ini memberikan kemudahan dalam proses koding diagnosis penyakit THT di era BPJS Kesehatan.
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Daftar Kode ICD 10 untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher (THT – KL)
Di bawah ini akan kami rincikan diagnosa dan nomor kode masing-masing penyakit THT – KL. Untuk lebih memudahkan pencarian, kami membagi penomoran ini menjadi 5 bagian. Adapun bagian tersebut yaitu: penyakit telinga, hidung, tenggorokan, tumor THT, dan medical check up THT.
Daftar Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Penyakit Telinga
Yuk simak daftar penomoran di bawah ini. Semakin akurat penomoran di aplikasi atau situs BPJS maka akan semakin memudahkan urusan administrasi fasilitas kesehatan.
Istilah Penyakit Telinga | Kode ICD 10 | Diagnosis ICD 10 untuk BPJS Kesehatan |
Serumen prop | H612 | Impacted cerumen |
Benda asing di telinga | T16 | Foreign body in ear |
Abses telinga luar | H600 | Abscess of external ear |
Selulitis telinga luar | H601 | Cellulitis of external ear |
Otitis eksterna difusa | H603 | Diffuse otitis externa, Swimmer ear, Hemorragic |
Otomikosis (infeksi jamur kandida pada telinga) | B372 | Candidiasis |
Otomikosis (infeksi jamur aspergillus pada telinga) | B448 | Aspergillosis |
Kolesteatom eksterna | H604 | Cholesteatoma of external ear |
Otitis eksterna maligna | H602 | Malignant otitis externa |
Otalgia (sakit telinga) | H920 | Otalgia |
Stenosis liang telinga didapat akibat trauma sekunder, inflamasi, atau infeksi | H613 | Acquired stenosis of secondary trauma, inflammation, infection |
Eksotosis liang telinga | H618 | Exostosis of external canal |
Perikondritis telinga luar | H610 | Pericondritis of external ear |
Gangguan non-infeksi pada daun telinga | H611 | Noninfective disorders of pinna |
Infeksi tuba eustachius | H680 | Eustachian salpingitis |
Oklusi tuba eustachius akibat kompresi, stenosis, atau striktur | H681 | Obstruction of Eustachius tube : compression, stenosis, stricture |
Tuba patoulus | H690 | Patulous Eustachian tube |
Otitis media supuratif akut | H660 | Acute suppurative otitis media |
Otitis media efusi akut | H650 | Acute serous otitis media (barotaruma) |
Otitis media efusi akut dan subakut akibat alergi | H651 | Acute and subacute allergic otitis media (mucoid) (serous) |
Otitis media efusi kronis | H652 | Chronic serous otitis media |
Otitis media efusi kronis (glue ear) | H653 | Chronic mucoid otitis media (Glue Ear) |
Otitis media kronik akibat alergi | H654 | Chronic allergic otitis media |
Otitis media supuratif kronis tipe benigna fase aktif | H661 | Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media |
Otitis media supuratif kronis tipe benigna fase tenang | H720 | Central perforation of tympanic membrane |
Otitis media supuratif kronis tipe maligna | H662 | Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media |
H71 | Cholesteatoma of middle ear | |
H721 | Attic perforation of tympanic membrane | |
H722 | Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane | |
H728 | Total & multiple perforations of tympanic membrane | |
Polip telingan tengah | H744 | Polyp of middle ear |
Otitis media supuratif kronis akibat TBC | A186 | Tuberculosis of (inner) (middle) ear |
Paresis fasialis | H519 | Disorder of facial nerve, unspecified |
Mastoiditis akut (abses mastoid) | H700 | Acute mastoiditis : abcess of mastoid |
Mastoiditis kronik (fistula mastoid) | H701 | Chronic mastoiditis : Fistula of mastoid |
Vertigo | H811 | Benign paroxysmal vertigo |
Disfungsi labirin (paresis kanal) | H832 | Labyrinthine dysfunction : paresis kanal |
Penyakit Meniere | H810 | Meniere’s disease |
Neuronitis vestibular | H812 | Vestibular neuronitis |
Vertigo perifer lainnya | H813 | Other peripheral vertigo |
Vertigo sentral | H814 | Vertigo of central origin |
Infeksi labirin | H830 | Labyrinthitis |
Fistula labirin | H831 | Labyrinthine fistula |
Gangguan perkembangan bicara dan bahasa | F809 | Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified |
Tinitus (bising pada telinga) | H931 | Tinnitus |
Tuli konduktif bilateral | H900 | Conductive hearing loss, bilateral |
Tuli konduktif unilateral | H901 | Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, normal on contralateral |
Tuli sensorineural bilateral | H903 | Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral |
Tuli sensorineural unilateral | H904 | Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral normal on contralateral |
Tuli campuran bilateral | H906 | Mixed hearing loss, bilateral |
Tuli campuran unilateral | H907 | Mixed hearing loss, unilateral, normal on the contralateral |
Presbikusis | H911 | Presbycusis |
Tuli mendadak | H912 | Sudden idiopathic hearing loss |
Efek suara pada telinga dalam (trauma akustik, NIHL) | H833 | Noise effects on inner ear : acoustic trauma, NIHL |
Tuli akibat ototoksik | H910 | Ototoxic hearing loss |
Miringitis akut | H730 | Acute myringitis |
Miringitis kronis | H731 | Chronic myringitis |
Otitis media adesif | H741 | Adhesive middle ear disease |
Timpanosklerosis | H740 | Tympanosclerosis |
Otosklerosis | H800 | Otosclerosis involving oval window, nonobliterative |
H801 | Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative | |
H802 | Cochlear otosclerosis | |
Gangguan pada tulang pendengaran | H742 | Discontinuity and dislocation of ear ossicles |
H743 | Ankylosis and partial loss of ear ossicles | |
Cedera superfisial pada telinga | S004 | Superficial injury of ear |
Luka robek pada telinga | S013 | Open wound of ear |
Fraktus basis kranii | S021 | Fracture of Base of Skull |
Cedera saraf fasialis | S045 | Injury of facial nerve |
Cedera saraf akustik | S046 | Injury of acoustic nerve |
Ruptur gendang telinga akibat trauma | S092 | Traumatic rupture of ear drum |
Herpes pada telinga | B001 | Herpes simpleks infection |
B028 | Zoster with other complications | |
Paska operasi mastoid | H950 | Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity |
H951 | Chronic inflam, granulation, mucosal cyst of postmastoidectomy | |
Deformitas pada telinga | M951 | Cauliflower ear |
Defek kongenital pada telinga | Q160 | Congenital absence of ear auricle (anotia) |
Q161 | Congenital absence, atresia and stricture of auditory canal | |
Q162 | Absence of eustachian tube | |
Q163 | Congenital malformation of ear ossicles | |
Q164 | Other congenital malformations of middle ear | |
Q165 | Congenital malformation of inner ear | |
Q169 | Congenital malformation of ear causing impairment of hearing | |
Q170 | Accessory auricle | |
Q171 | Macrotia | |
Q172 | Microtia | |
Q175 | Prominent ear | |
Q180 | Sinus, fistula and cyst of branchial cleft | |
Q181 | Preauricular sinus and cyst | |
Q182 | Other branchial cleft malformations |
Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Penyakit Telinga PDF dan Word Doc
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List Kode ICD 10 Diagnosa Penyakit Hidung

Setelah penyakit telinga, di bawah ini akan kami bagikan tabel yang berisi daftar penyakit pada hidung beserta kode-kodenya.
Daftar Penyakit Hidung | Kode ICD 10 | Diagnosis ICD 10 untuk BPJS Kesehatan |
Sinusitis akut | J01 | Acute sinusitis |
Sinusitis akut pada sinus maksilaris | J010 | Acute maxillary sinusitis |
Sinusitis akut pada sinus frontalis | J011 | Acute frontal sinusitis |
Sinusitis akut pada sinus etmoidalis | J012 | Acute ethmoidal sinusitis |
Sinusitis akut pada sinus sfenoidalis | J013 | Acute sphenoidal sinusitis, unspecified |
Pansinusitis akut | J014 | Acute pansinusitis, unspecified |
Sinusitis akut lainnya (lebih dari satu sinus, tetapi bukan pansinusitis) | J018 | Other acute sinusitis, more than one sinus, not pansinusitis |
Rinitis kronis | J310 | Chronic rhinitis : atropic, granulomatous |
Sinusitis maksilaris kronik | J320 | Chronic maxillary sinusitis |
Sinusitis frontalis kronik | J321 | Chronic frontal sinusitis |
Sinusitis etmoidalis kronis | J322 | Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis |
Sinusitis sfenoidalis kronis | J323 | Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis |
Pansinusitis kronik | J324 | Chronic pansinusitis |
Sinusitis krnois lainnya (lebih dari satu sinus, tetapi bukan pansinusitis) | J328 | Other chronic sinusitis, more than one sinus, not pansinusitis |
Sinusitis kronik tidak spesifik | J329 | Chronic sinusitis, unspecified |
Polip pada rongga hidung | J330 | Polyp of nasal cavity : choanal, nasopharyngeal |
Sindroma woakes | J331 | Polypoid sinus degeneration : Woakes’ Syndrome |
Polip sinus lainnya | J338 | Other polyp of sinus : polyp of ethmoidal, maxillary, spenoidal |
Polip hidung tidak spesifik | J339 | Nasal polyp, unspecified |
Rinitis vasomotor | J300 | Vasomotor rhinitis |
Rinitis alergi | J304 | Allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
Rinitis alergi disertai asma | J450 | Allergic rhinitis with asthma |
Deviasi septum nasi | J342 | Deviated nasal septum |
Hipertrofi konka | J343 | Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates |
Perforasi septum nasi, rinolit | J348 | Perforation of nasal septum, rinolith |
Epistaksis | R040 | Epistaxis |
Abses, furunkel, dan karbunkel pada hidung | J340 | Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose |
Deformitas hidung didapat | M950 | Acquired deformity of nose |
Trauma hidung | S003 | Superficial injury of nose |
S012 | Open wound of nose | |
S021 | Fracture of Base of Skull | |
S022 | Fracture of Nasal Bones | |
S031 | Dislocation of Septal Cartilage of Nose | |
S040 | Injury of optic nerve and pathwayas | |
Benda asing di hidung’ | T170 | Foreign Body in nasal sinus |
T171 | Foreign Body in nostril | |
Obstruktive sleep apneu pada dewasa dan anak | G4733 | Obstructive sleep apnea (adult) (pediatric) |
Kebocoran cairan serebrospinal | G960 | Cerebrospinal fluid leak |
Selulitis orbita | H050 | Cellulitis of orbit |
Atresia koana | Q300 | Choanal Atresia |
List Kode ICD 10 Diagnosa Penyakit Hidung Format Word Doc dan PDF
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Daftar Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Penyakit Tenggorokan (Laring, Faring, atau Trakea)
Berikut ini adalah tabel yang berisikan diagnosis dari beberapa penyakit yang ada di tenggorokan, khususnya bagian laring, faring, dan trakea. Silahkan cari kode yang Anda butuhkan.
Penyakit Tenggorokan | Kode ICD 10 | Diagnosis ICD 10 untuk BPJS Kesehatan |
Tonsilitis akut akibat bakteri Streptokokus | J030 | Acute streptococcal tonsillitis |
Tonsilitis akut akibat bakteri spesifik lainnya | J038 | Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms |
Tonsilitis akut tidak spesifik | J039 | Acute tonsillitis, unspecified |
Tonsilitis kronis | J350 | Chronic tonsillitis |
Hipertrofi tonsil | J351 | Hypertrophy of tonsils |
Hipertrofi adenoid | J352 | Hypertrophy of adenoids |
Hipertrofi tonsil dengan hipertrofi adenoid | J353 | Hypertrophy of tonsils with hypertrophy of adenoids |
Faringitis viral akut | B302 | Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis |
Common cold | J00 | Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] |
Faringits streptokokal | J020 | Streptococcal pharyngitis |
Faringitis akut karena organisme spesifik | J028 | Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms |
Faringitis akut tidak spesifik | J029 | Acute pharyngitis, unspecified |
Faringitis kronis | J311 | Chronic nasopharyngitis |
J312 | Chronic pharyngitis : atrophi, granular, hipertrophic | |
Kelainan rongga mulut | B370 | Cadidal stomatitis |
K120 | Recurrent oral aphthae : aphthos stomatitis | |
K132 | Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue | |
Benda asing di faring | T172 | Foreign body in pharynx |
Benda asing di laring | T173 | Foreign body in larynx |
Benda asing di trakea | T174 | Foreign body in trachea |
Benda asing di bronkus | T175 | Foreign body in bronchus |
Benda asing di mulut | T180 | Foreign body in mouth |
Benda asing di esofagus | T181 | Foreign body in esophagus |
Laringitis akut | J040 | Acute laryngitis |
Laringitis obstruktif akut | J050 | Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] |
Laringofaringitis kronik | J060 | Acute laryngopharyngitis |
Laringitis kronis | J370 | Chronic laryngitis |
Paralisis pita suara dan laring | J380 | Paralysis of vocal cords and larynx |
Polip pita suara dan laring | J381 | Polyp of vocal cord and larynx |
Nodul pada pita suara | J382 | Nodules of vocal cords |
Penyakit lainnya pada pita suara | J383 | Other diseases of vocal cords |
Edema laring | J384 | Edema of larynx |
Spasme laring | J385 | Laryngeal spasm |
Stenosis laring | J386 | Stenosis of larynx |
Penyakit lainnya pada laring (abses, selulitis, perikondroitis) | J387 | Other diseases of larynx : abscess, cellulitis, perichondritis |
TBC pada laring, trakea, dan bronkus | A155 | Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus |
Limfadenopati TBC periperal | A182 | Tuberculosis of perypheral lymphadenopathy |
GERD | K210 | Gastro-esophageal reflux disease |
Disfagia | R13 | Dysphagia |
Obstruksi jalan nafas akut | J960 | Acute respiratory failure |
Obstruksi jalan nafas kronis | J961 | Chronic respiratory failure |
Komplikasi trakeostomi | T818 | Emphysema (subcutaneous) resulting from procedure |
J950 | Tracheostomy malfunction : haemorrhage, obstruction, fistula | |
Abses peritonsil | J36 | Peritonsillar abscess |
Abses retro dan parafaring | J390 | Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess |
Abses submandibula | K122 | Cellulitis and abscess of mouth (submandibular abscess) |
Diferi | A360 | Pharyngeal diphtheria |
A361 | Nasopharyngeal diphtheria | |
A362 | Laryngeal diphtheria | |
Defek kongenital pada laring, faring, dan trakea | Q310 | Web of larynx |
Q311 | Congenital subglottic stenosis | |
Q312 | Laryngeal hypoplasia | |
Q313 | Laryngocele | |
Q315 | Congenital laryngomalacia | |
Q320 | Congenital tracheomalacia | |
Q387 | Congenital pharyngeal pouch | |
Parotitis | B26 | Mumps |
Gangguan tiroid | E040 | Nontoxic diffuse goiter |
E041 | Nontoxic single thyroid nodule | |
E042 | Nontoxic multinodular goiter | |
E050 | Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter | |
E051 | Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule | |
E052 | Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter | |
Gangguan pada TMJ | M266 | Temporomandibular joint disorder |
Langit-langit sumbing | Q35 | Cleft palate |
Bibir sumbing | Q36 | Cleft lip |
Langit-langit dan bibir sumbing | Q37 | Cleft palate with cleft lip |
Trauma | S005 | Superficial injury of lip and oral cavity |
S014 | Open wound of cheek and temporomandibular area | |
S015 | Open wound of lip and oral cavity | |
S100 | Superficial injury of neck, contusion of throat | |
S110 | Open wound of larynx and trachea | |
S111 | Open wound of thyroid gland | |
S112 | Open wound of pharynx and cervical esophagus | |
Reaksi anafilaksis pada saluran nafas atas | J393 | Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified |
Kelainan esofagus | K220 | Achalasia of cardia |
K223 | Perforation of esophagus | |
K225 | Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired | |
Atrofi kelenjar air liur | K110 | Atrophy of salivary gland |
Hipertrofi kelenjar liur | K111 | Hypertrophy of salivary gland |
Sialoadenitis | K112 | Sialoadenitis |
Abses pada kelenjar liur | K113 | Abscess of salivary gland |
Fistula pada kelenjar liur | K114 | Fistula of salivary gland |
Sialoadenitis | K115 | Sialolithiasis |
Mukokel pada kelenjar saliva | K116 | Mucocele of salivary gland |
Daftar Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Penyakit Tenggorokan versi PDF dan Word Doc
Seperti yang sudah-sudah, bilamana Anda membutuhkan tabel di atas versi word document dan PDF nya maka gampang sekali. Silahkan ambil saja pada tautan di bawah ini.
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List ICD 10 Diagnosa Tumor Jinak dan Kanker Ganas Pada THT
Kami membuat pemisahan penyakit-penyakit tumor jinak dan kanker di bawah ini. Hal ini untuk mengurangi kebingungan bagi para pembaca. Yuk simak saja langsung datanya di tabel di bawah ini.
Nama Tumor Jinak dan Kanker | Kode ICD 10 | Diagnosis ICD 10 untuk BPJS Kesehatan |
Kanker Nasofaring | C110 | Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx |
C111 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx | |
C112 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx | |
C113 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx | |
C118 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of nasopharynx | |
C119 | Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified | |
Tumor ganas Pada laring | C320 | Malignant neoplasm of glottis |
C321 | Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis | |
C322 | Malignant neoplasm of subglottis | |
C323 | Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage | |
C328 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of larynx | |
C329 | Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified | |
Kanker Hidung | C300 | Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity |
Tumor Ganas Pada Sinus | C310 | Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus |
C311 | Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus | |
C312 | Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus | |
C313 | Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid sinus | |
C318 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses | |
C319 | Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus, unspecified | |
Kanker Tonsil | C090 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa |
C091 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (anterior) (posterior) | |
C098 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of tonsil | |
C099 | Malignant neoplasm of tonsil, unspecified | |
Kanker Orofaring | C100 | Malignant neoplasm of vallecula |
C101 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior surface of epiglottis | |
C102 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx | |
C103 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx | |
C104 | Malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft | |
C108 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of oropharynx | |
C109 | Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, unspecified | |
Kanker Hipofaring | C12 | Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus |
C130 | Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region | |
C131 | Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect | |
C132 | Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx | |
C138 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of hypopharynx | |
C139 | Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified | |
Tumor Ganas Pada Liang Telinga | C4421 | Basal cell carcinoma skin of ear and external auricular canal |
C4422 | Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of ear and external canal | |
Kanker Telinga Tengah | C301 | Malignant neoplasm of middle ear |
Tumor Ganas Pada Bibir | C000 | Malignant neoplasm of external upper lip |
C001 | Malignant neoplasm of external lower lip | |
C002 | Malignant neoplasm of external lip, unspecified | |
C003 | Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect | |
C004 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect | |
C005 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, inner aspect | |
C006 | Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip, unspecified | |
C008 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of lip | |
C009 | Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified | |
Kanker Lidah | C01 | Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue |
C020 | Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue | |
C021 | Malignant neoplasm of border of tongue | |
C022 | Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue | |
C023 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior two-thirds of tongue | |
C024 | Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil | |
C028 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of tongue | |
C029 | Malignant neoplasm of tongue, unspecified | |
Tumor Ganas Pada Gusi | C030 | Malignant neoplasm of upper gum |
C031 | Malignant neoplasm of lower gum | |
C039 | Malignant neoplasm of gum, unspecified | |
Kanker Dasar Mulut | C040 | Malignant neoplasm of anterior floor of mouth |
C041 | Malignant neoplasm of lateral floor of mouth | |
C048 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of floor of mouth | |
C049 | Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, unspecified | |
Tumor Ganas Palatum dan Uvula | C050 | Malignant neoplasm of hard palate |
C051 | Malignant neoplasm of soft palate | |
C052 | Malignant neoplasm of uvula | |
C058 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of palate | |
C059 | Malignant neoplasm of palate, unspecified | |
Tumor Ganas Mukosa Mulut | C060 | Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa |
C061 | Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth | |
C062 | Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area | |
C0680 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of mouth | |
C0689 | Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of other parts of mouth | |
C069 | Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified | |
Tumor ganas mandibula | C411 | Malignant neoplasm of mandible |
Kanker Tiroid | C73 | Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland |
Kanker Esofagus | C159 | Malignant neoplasm of esophagus, unspecified |
Kanker Kelenjar Liur | C07 | Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland |
C080 | Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland | |
C081 | Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland | |
C089 | Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecified | |
Limfoma | C81 | Hodgkin lymphoma |
C82 | Follicular lymphoma | |
C83 | Non Follicular lymphoma | |
C84 | Mature T/ NK-cell lymphoma | |
C85 | Non Hodgin Lymphoma | |
Tumor jinak bagian kesatu | D100 | lip |
D101 | tongue | |
D102 | floor of mouth | |
D103 | unspecified part of mouth | |
D104 | tonsil | |
D105 | oropharynx | |
D106 | nasopharynx | |
D107 | hypopharynx | |
D110 | parotid gland | |
D117 | sublingual, submandibular glands | |
D140 | middle ear, nasal cavity and accesory sinus | |
D141 | larynx | |
D150 | thymus | |
D170 | lipomatous | |
D180 | hemangioma | |
Tumor jinak bagian kedua | D181 | lymphangioma |
D232 | skin and external auricular canal | |
D315 | lacrimal gland and duct | |
D333 | cranial nerves | |
D34 | thyroid gland | |
D351 | parathyroid gland | |
D352 | pituitary gland | |
D353 | craniopharyngeal duct | |
D354 | pineal gland | |
D360 | lymph nodes | |
D3611 | peripheral & autonom nerves head neck face |
List Kode ICD 10 Diagnosa Tumor Jinak dan Kanker Ganas THT Format Word Doc dan PDF
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Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Medical Check Up THT
Medical check up atau pemeriksaan medis dalam rangka penapisan juga dapat dilakukan di poli THT ruma sakit. Pemeriksaan dan tidnakan ini juga memiliki kode-kode. Yuk, simak tabelnya di bawah ini.
Lain-Lain | Kode ICD X | Diagnosis ICD 10 untuk BPJS Kesehatan |
MCU DEWASA : NORMAL | Z00 | Encounter for general adult medical examination without abnormal findings |
MCU PENDENGARAN | Z011 | Encounter for examination of ears and hearing |
MCU TUJUAN TERTENTU | Z020 | Encounter for examination for admission to educational institution |
Z021 | Encounter for pre-employment examination | |
Z022 | Encounter for examination for admission to residential institution | |
Z023 | Encounter for examination for recruitment to armed forces | |
Z024 | Encounter for examination for driving license | |
Z025 | Encounter for examination for participation in sport | |
Z026 | Encounter for examination for insurance purposes | |
Z027 | Encounter for issue of medical certificate |
Nah, itu tadi lima tabel yang masing-masing berisi nomor kode ICD 10 THT -KL (telinga, hidung, tenggorok, kepala, dan leher). Kode ini akan sangat dibutuhkan dalam entri kode Pcare BPJS Kesehatan atau aplikasi di rumah sakit. Mudah-mudahan ini membantu.
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[…] Sumber:ICD 10 THT Lengkapwho.intICD10Data […]
[…] Bila Anda petugas kesehatan atau petugas koding silahkan baca juga: Kode ICD 10 Penyakit Telinga […]
[…] Baca juga: Kode ICD 10 THT Lengkap […]
[…] juga: Kode ICD 10 Diagnosis Penyakit Telinga, Hidung, dan Tenggorokan […]
[…] Baca juga: Kode ICD 10 THT […]
[…] Simak juga kode diagnosis penyakit THT lengkap: Kode ICD 10 THT […]
[…] akan berbagi daftar rincian kode ICD 10 benda asing di telinga. Ini merupakan bagian dari diagnosis kode ICD 10 THT. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi para koder […]
[…] Untuk kode diagnosis penyakit telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan bisa di lihat pada tautan ini. Kode ICD 10 THT. […]
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